…and no end in sight. The Spicers story is so much fun, it’s mutating into a novella. I’ve just completed chapter ten, and I have drafted chapters eleven to nineteen. I’ve drawn maps and made calculations about mileage for ox carts, have come...
I’ve misplaced my map. Aaaaaaaah ! I have a map of the places where my Spice Trader stories take place, where I note their route as they go along, and draw in places that are mentioned or referred to, alternative routes, and so on. Alright, there are so many...
I didn’t have a working computer for three weeks. It was horrible. While I can easily live without facebook or google for a while, it deprived me of the ability to type. Why do I always have the best ideas when I’m not in front of a computer? Usually...
There’s a lot to be read online and offline about the system of magic in world-building.Alright, maybe not that much, but all of it is very interesting to me. I like magic. Always did. When I was little I was always in awe of fairy godmothers and sourcerers who...
A hero who never gets into any trouble isn’t a hero, but a couch potato. And nobody wants to read about a lazy sod who doesn’t do anything. The whole reason we’re telling THIS story and not another one is BECAUSE he gets into trouble. Then again, he...