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Character Sheets

I’ve been introduced to the idea of character sheets for writing quite late into the process. I knew character sheets from gaming, where you record the strengths and weaknesses of a character, and note changes like level ups and so on, but for writing this never...

Novel writing software?

For a long time I wrote in Microsoft Word, simply becauseĀ it was there, and you use it to create documents. When I started to write different scenes and different partsĀ of my stories at different time, I ended up with multiple documents that all belonged to the same...

non-linear writing

I always imagined people who write books to sit down and start at the beginning, and then keep going until the end. Somehow I feel that is how books ought to be written, so I try and follow that pattern. But so often I suddenly veer off in my head and have a really...

Tuunish Saltkale (the recipe)

Tuunish Saltkale features in the spicer stories. It’s a kind of salty stewed kale that you either love or hate. My friend Pepper asked me if I had a real dish in mind when I wrote about it, or whether I just made it up. Actually, at first I made it up and it was...


It’s National Novel Writing Month! Thousands of talented writers all over the world are sitting down and creating a Novel in a month, start to finish. I’m totally in awe of everybody who is taking part, because I’m utterly unable to do this...