What do people read on their commute? " Read More I spy with my little eye… My recent obsession is to spy on other people’s reading habits on the commuter train. On my way to work I first take a bus, then a tram, and then another bus. My way home is timed so...
I have too many books. I have whole walls covered with floor-to-ceiling shelving filled with books. I have stacks of books occupying my desk, side-tables, dressers, windowsills, kitchen counters and sideboard. There are books on my washing machine and on the floor. I...
I was bored the other day, and was looking for some new things to read. My bookclub seems to be revolving around the same handful of books at the moment, and I wanted some fresh inspriation, so I played author bingo. This was my card: I proceeded to fill it with one...
A while ago I decided my bookshelves need re-organizing. They used to be more or less in order (separate shelves for mystery, fantasy, gardening, and so on), but since the last time I moved house a lot of books have just been shoved into random shelves. SciFi next to...
I’m reading Gardens of the Moon, the first book in the Malazan series, as a group read with my book club on goodreads.com. This is the first time I’m participating in a group reading, and it’s definitely different from reading on my own. I read...