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Magic is fun!

There’s a lot to be read online and offline about the system of magic in world-building.Alright, maybe not that much, but all of it is very interesting to me. I like magic. Always did. When I was little I was always in awe of fairy godmothers and sourcerers who...

Where villains come from

I suspect some writers breed them in a dungeon below the privy. Or have a hive of them somewhere in the woods near a creepy cabin. It’s amazing what evil villains some authors can come up with! (Insert envy here…) Mine almost always start their life as a...

Inspiration in unlikely places

Sometimes I have days where I have no inspiration at all. I kinda know where I want my story to go, but getting there seems like a drag. A bit like commuting to work. Even though I enjoy my day job, sitting on the commuter train on the way to or from the city is a...

Accidental Race Creation

I’ve been busy world building again. This time, I didn’t even mean to (honest!), it just happened. I was writing away happily on the spice trader stories (which still don’t have a proper working title), when I quickly needed a character in a hurry....

World Building: Why maps are so important

Every good story needs a setting. Whether that’s a real one (say, New York), a pre-made one (for example The Forgotten Realms) or a completely new made-up one. Sometimes it just serves as a background for the story to take place somewhere. Sometimes it becomes...