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My stories are on hold, as I’m busy jobhunting. I need to earn a living, and I won’t do that by writing in my free time, so I have to don a suit and go find real work.

I had a few interviews this month, but nothing came of it so far. My qualification wasn’t quite right for what they wanted, one was a 3 hour commute away, and one gave me the impression they had already someone else in mind and only held the interview because they had already agreed to see me. Weird experience.

So far I have always been lucky and found something relatively quickly whenever I found myself out of work. However, I’m worried that maybe this time I’ll be unemployed longer than I planned. I’m too poor to not work…


I did get a fulltime job shortly after posting this, and another part-time job on top of it at almost the same time. That leaves me less time to write than ever before, but a man’s gotta eat.
