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Project Bible

Recently I came across a discussion about writer’s tools and tricks that they use for writing. Among the slew of dictionaries and grammarly links, one author said that she has a “book bible” – a notebook or folder where all her notes about her...

The pitfalls of bad research…

In my current story there was a country called Kelvar. It is covered in dense forests and has a population of tree-dwelling people who have produced some of the most skilled druids on the continent. Last week a friend of my mother saw a preliminary map of said...

Things to learn

I’m currently reading Sentence of Marriage by Shayne Parkinson and as I sat on the commuter train with my Kindle, it suddenly struck me that my own writing lacks sufficient description of details. In the novel, Amy shows a nurse into a bedroom for her to have a...

Getting back on the horse

I totally slacked off and didn’t write anything related to the Spicers in a long time. I had another project happening, as well as taking on a second job that takes up quite a chunk of my time after coming home from my regular fulltime job. So how do you get...

The language you choose…

…determines the result of your story. I’m currently translating fairytales, and I found that they have a very unique rhythm. Just take the beginning and ending of a typical fairytale. It always starts with “Once upon a time…” and more...